Monday, March 19, 2007

Public Domain: Easy Money!

Have you ever wondered how some of the elite e-book authors churn out so many e-books on so many different subjects?

Many successful people would rather work smart than work hard, so that’s exactly what they do. Your favorite e-book author has probably dappled in public domain to find material. Once they find what they need, they usually update obsolete information and make it sound current. At first glimpse this seems unlawful, but it is perfectly legal.

Any human being who can operate a computer and has access to the Internet can easily find and use public domain material for his or her gain. Any material (music, inventions, writing, art) that has fallen into public domain is up for grabs.

Some of these authors are making huge checks from this new creative way of writing books because they can charge price under the soon for this “priceless” information. Some are even making up $25,000 a month off one e-book. Imagine having 3-4 e-books out and making 5 figures a month off each of those books. I can’t wait to write my first e-book.

My first post!

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy everything you see here. Many of these posts will involve financial independence and manifesting your true desires. I hope the information you receive here will help you on your road to success. Remember that you can’t stop a man or woman who won’t quit.